The CPA Marketing Genius Podcast

Episode 041: Building A Winning CPA Practice with David Safeer

Episode Summary

In this episode, Salim Omar, CPA interviews David Safeer, David is a globally recognized expert in cash flow maximization. He shares his background in cash flow and how he founded Cash is Clear Learning Systems to help businesses and accountants grow their revenues through cash flow advisory services. He emphasizes that even profitable companies can have cash flow issues, and he shares his framework for improving cash flow. David explains proactive planning and people-centered approaches to cash flow management. He offers an online certification program and weekly masterminds to teach accountants how to advise on cash flow. Another value-bomb episode so make sure you tune in till the end!

Episode Notes

[00:01 - 01:40] Opening Segment 

[01:41 – 11:58] Breaking Down Barriers To Cash Flow

[11:59 – 17:52] Building A Winning CPA Practice

[17:53 - 23:42] Closing Segment


Connect with David Safeer on his:

LinkedIn: David Safeer

Twitter: @David_Safeer

Website: David Safeer


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Tweetable Quotes 

“If you can focus in on a niche like that and get a reputation for a niche and get a reputation for actually helping companies, not just with the financial. But in other areas to become a trusted advisor, to me, that's the way to build a winning CPA practice.” - David Safeer


"I'm putting “loser” in air quotes because they're not bad people. They're just unprofitable clients that maybe should be eliminated from our portfolio or turned into profitable clients. That's where you can make infrastructure changes that drastically impact your ability to generate cash for the company, is by looking in the different areas of the business outside of the finance department." - David Safeer


“Cash flow is key, even for companies that are profitable.” – Salim Omar, CPA